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🗸Vote Yes For Preventative Maintenance

The polls may be closed but it's never too late to elect better garage door maintenance. 

Choose Tiptop Garage Door & Gate Service

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Vote Yes For Preventative Maintenance

It's never too late to elect better garage door maintenance.  Choose Tiptop Garage Door & Gate Service

Cast Your Vote

🗸Vote Yes For Preventative Maintenance

The polls may be closed but it's never too late to elect better garage door maintenance. 

Choose Tiptop Garage Door & Gate Service

Cast Your Vote

Prevent costly repairs from winning. 

Vote for an annual tune-up for $48.

Prevent costly repairs from winning. 

Vote for an annual tune-up for $48.

If you are like most people you don't think about the largest most dangerous moving appliance in your home that hovers just above your head. 

They don’t think about how many moving parts need to operate correctly for their garage door system to open and close smoothly at a push of a button.  Keeping every component in Tiptop shape and fully functional takes a lot of time and attention, and doing most of it yourself can prove to be extremely dangerous.

Often times the the door is very heavy, and different components have a lot of tension that could cause serious damage with one wrong move.

What is a tune-up?

First and foremost an annual garage door tune-up is what you do when everything seems to be working correctly. 

A tune-up is scheduled preventative maintenance process that will  increase the longevity of your garage door and flush out small challenges before they become big problems.

You have the right to vote for better garage door maintenance to increase the longevity of your garage door, protect your loved ones from dangerous garage door malfunctions. 

Together we can prevent costly repairs from winning this year and protect your wallet by voting for a garage door tune-up for $48.

Once elected your tune-up will serve a one-year term. Prevent costly repairs from winning this year by voting for an annual garage door tune-up.

Cast your vote today by calling right now.

san diego garage door tune-up
local automatic gate maintenance tune-up

Can I ELECT better

gate maintenance too?

ABSOLUTELY!  Regular maintenance, of gates and gate operators, is even more important. Gates and gate operators are subject to harsher conditions than garage doors as they are always out in the elements and prone to dirt, landscaping debris, rodent infestation, as well as corrosion and moisture.

Gates and gate operators can also be very dangerous and typically the components for gates and gate operators are far more expensive than they are for garage doors. 

Keeping your automatic gate lubricated, sealed up, clean, and adjusted will in the long run save you a ton of headaches, money, time and frustration if your automatic gate breaks down.

The Tune-up Breakdown


In-depth visual Inspection

Our expert garage door repairmen knows exactly what to look for during an inspection. They can check even hard-to-reach components like springs and cables for rust, fraying, gaps or other damage.



Every garage door, even wood ones, have metal parts like springs and rollers that move throughout the system when your garage door opens and closes. These parts require regular lubrication to keep from grinding, hindering movement or corrosion. Lubrication is important because it puts new oil into your bearings that get dry over time.  Getting oil and grease back into the parts that need it will help quiet things down and prevent parts from wearing out early.



 time passes, bolts, screws and hinges come loose on any garage door no matter how perfect the installation was in the beginning. Cables lose tension, and weather-stripping becomes cracked and brittle with age. Small hardware misalignments can occur as well. We perform adjustments to eliminate these problems and help your garage door continue at its best.


Alignment & Balance Checks

Alignment & Balance Checks

Your garage door needs to stay balanced to allow for smooth opening and closing and to prevent damage to the rest of the system.

While realignment can be simple, finding out the underlying issue takes a certain level of expertise in many circumstances. Our technicians will perform a balance test and find out exactly what is going on with your door.

See what happens when you elect better garage door maintenance...

See what happens when you elect better garage door maintenance...

Cast Your Vote!  Schedule Your Tune-Up Today.

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